Matching the band to the room

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Matching the band to the room

#1 Post by Haydn » Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:38 pm

I've only thought about this recently, but it makes a lot of sense. Playing music by a band that matches the room. E.G. Glen Miller or Artie Shaw tracks would suit a large hall. Fats Waller, Slim and Slam, Django Reinhardt would suit a smaller space.

It seems obvious. Do you take account of this when DJing?

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#2 Post by CafeSavoy » Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:35 pm

I'd think it's not only room size but acoustics, quality of the sound system, and quality of the recordings.

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#3 Post by Joninho22 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:36 am

and the quality of the dancers. Some music is inherently easier to dance to. Django is not one of those artists. Glenn miller is. It seems that the smaller venues tend to be packed with good dancers, and larger venues are packed with a lot of beginners.
