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Djing w/ iPod

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:15 pm
by Moonmist
I was reading part of the Laptop DJing, and I was thinking...

Is it better to DJ w/ an iPod or a Laptop?

Personally, I've been DJing w/ my iPod for a little over a year now. I found it easy to do w/ 20 gig. You may not have the full information but as long as you tag it properly it's pretty cool...

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:48 am
by djstarr
my boss, who is a very forward thinking technology guy, has been egging me on to get an iPod. As someone who doesn't even DJ from a laptop it's a little intimidating. The only good reason I could come up with is that you can't preview on an iPod; the other implied reason (although I'm not sure if this is true or not) is that mp3s don't sound as good as CDs.

What has been your experience with the iPod? Do you feel you suffer from any loss of sound quality? Can you preview somehow?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:53 am
by Mr Awesomer
Giselle doesn't DJ from her iPod, but certainly uses it.

I believe she has a mirror image of the songs that are on her PowerBook on her iPod, and she walks around with the iPod previewing songs. Then when she hits the one she wants she set it up on the PowerBook and away it plays.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:18 pm
by Moonmist
Well, unless I got a cool little powerbook, it's hard to lug 2 devices around. But I understand the not being able to preview thing. Personally, as backwards as it may sound, I actually still carry my CDs with me. But in case I have missed something, esp. buying stuff from iTunes and not have time to burn it on a CD, iPod is very handy.

As to sound quality, really out on PA, you really can't hear it vs. listen to it on headphones. So, it didn't suffer, per se. If there's concern on the sound, iPod for Windows can do it for AAC/mp4 file instead.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 8:12 pm
by main_stem
I wouldn't recomend it, like I wouldn't recomend DJing from a lap top. I use my iPod in conjunction to my regular CD's, since I only carry 50 with me.

Now if you could afford 2 iPods that would be the way to go. I know some clubs/bars do it to allow the average customer to mix some music.


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:21 pm
by Lawrence
Moonmist wrote: as backwards as it may sound, I actually still carry my CDs with me.
:shock: Backwards?!?!?! :)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 3:03 pm
by sonofvu
I use my ipod as an external drive. All my music is on there and I just use the interface on my ibook (itunes or dj1800) to select what tracks I play. And while I have djed from my ipod before I do not recommend it because of the interface and the audio card in the ipod. I have an external sound card (iMic $35) that gives me near cd quality.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:20 pm
by shortyjul
i like to spin vinyl.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:12 am
by GemZombie
I consider the ability to listen to a song before hand to see if it fits, or to be able to set a cue point a necessary part of regular DJing... thus I don't think an iPod or any other standalone MP3 player is good for DJing.

A laptop with the proper software (BPM Studio) can do all of the above, and more, thus I believe if you are going digital... a laptop is a smarter choice.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 4:57 pm
by Drew
Moonmist wrote:Well, unless I got a cool little powerbook, it's hard to lug 2 devices around. But I understand the not being able to preview thing. Personally, as backwards as it may sound, I actually still carry my CDs with me. But in case I have missed something, esp. buying stuff from iTunes and not have time to burn it on a CD, iPod is very handy.

As to sound quality, really out on PA, you really can't hear it vs. listen to it on headphones. So, it didn't suffer, per se. If there's concern on the sound, iPod for Windows can do it for AAC/mp4 file instead.
My roommate and I now have 12" Powerbooks and he's been DJing off his for a long time now. He uses a dual-deck software application and an a dual-output cable called an iMic to hook up to the PA. I may or may not use mine to DJ off of. Haven't decided yet.

I've heard Steven Mitchell uses an iPod in his classes and know of some other instructors who do, it makes a little more sense that way if you're cueing one song instead of multiple ones back to back.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:24 pm
by Bob the Builder
Has anyone tried installing "Pod Player" on their PC?
I'm wondering if it would be possible by using it, you could use your iPod as our output device from your PC and preview though standard iTunes?
If not, it would be great if someone could come up with a program, where you could tell your iPod what to play from your PC.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:35 am
by Nate Dogg

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:07 am
by GemZombie
Nate Dogg wrote:WinAmp/iPod plug-in
Neat, that's sounding more and more useful now :)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:27 pm
by Shanabanana
Drew wrote:I've heard Steven Mitchell uses an iPod in his classes and know of some other instructors who do, it makes a little more sense that way if you're cueing one song instead of multiple ones back to back.
I use an ipod for all of my classes because I always have it with me anyway, and don't have to bring all of my CDs. DJing from it is pretty inconvenient, though.