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Compressor on 78 era stuff...?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 4:02 pm
by KevinSchaper
Anyone messed much with compression on early recordings? I've been playing with it in software, but the combination of my not really understanding the settings, and the HUGE difference between home speakers / headphones and PA systems in big halls is keeping me from coming to any conclusions on how much good it would do to pick one up..

I mean, generally, the harsh mids seem to be the loudest thing in the recordings.. so I'm used to messing with the eq to try and bring the rhythm secion up, but it seems like a little squishing the sound some will bring up the rhythm section and calm down the harsh stuff.

I'm thinkin about buying one that'll be easy to return and bringing it up to camp jitterbug this weekend to experiment.

plus I want more knobs to play with when I'm djing.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 2:06 pm
by KevinSchaper
I went fer the behringer composer pro xl and it worked good.