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The Blues Muse Workshop - October 3-5

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:00 pm
by wspeid
Save the date and book your travel!

Philly Lindy and Blues is proud to present the World's first Follow-focused blues weekend:

The Blues Muse Workshop
Inspiring expression, receptivity, and creative partnership
Philadelphia, Pa.

October 3-5

Four of the best blues instructors on the East Coast; each has struck a unique balance between creative expression and responsive following.

The Blues Muses are:

Megan Adair, Knoxville, Tn
Heather Adams, Knoxville, Tn
Carsie Blanton, Philadelphia, Pa
Mike (the Girl) Legett, Atlanta, Ga

These ladies are posting a call, challenging followers to step outside their previous limits: to explore the music and movement, and bring their leaders with them. To the leaders, the Blues Muses would like to give the tools of receptivity, without sacrificing their position as leaders; the Muses want leaders to be able to enjoy and encourage the expression of followers, to create a more interactive dance.

The weekend will feature two full days of classes; some on partnership, others on solo movement. Many will have a particular focus on followers, but there will also be classes specifically for leaders. There will also be a special discount for leaders.

Stay tuned for more information @