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ULX 2007 - Jan 12-14: Ski! Board! Dance!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:11 am
by popthestack
ULX 2007 dates are confirmed. Be in Salt Lake City on Jan 12-14th 2007 for dancing, skiing, and boarding! It's going to be bigger and better than last year!

Registration will be open on October 1st, 2006 (I will be updating this post then)!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:26 pm
by popthestack

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:37 pm
by Lindysauce
So excited! I've had a total blast the last two years I've gone! I'm gonna bring the Californians to the snow =).

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:24 pm
by popthestack
Don't ski or snowboard? ULX announces extreme sleding!


Okay, maybe not that extreme!

For those who don't want to go skiing or snowboarding, We're organizing a group to go sledding high in the Wasatch Mountains on Saturday afternoon! Bring warm clothes and we'll take care of the rest!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:09 pm
by popthestack
Pre-Registration is $55. The cut off date for the Pre-Registration price is December 1st ! It's coming up fast! Register now to save $10.

This could be you:

Great music, great dancing, greatest snow on earth.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:33 am
by popthestack
DJs for ULX Announced:

Tom Allen - Salt Lake City, Utah
Ken Cirimelli - Los Angeles, California
Mike Faltesek - Seattle, Washington
Laura Friedman - Sacramento, California
Cid Galicia - Chico, California
Kenny Nelson - Denver, Colorado
Michelle Poole - Salt Lake City, Utah
Julie Shurtliff - Salt Lake City, Utah
Doug Silton - Los Angeles, California
Andrew Slack - Portland, Oregon
Grant Sunada - Provo, Utah
Trager somelastname - Salt Lake City, Utah

Who wants to go Skiing?!

Snowbird picture of the day for 11.29.06:
"After three days of heavy snow John Brady took this opportunity to poke his head out of the "white room" and soak up some sunshine."

Pre-Registration ends on Friday, December 1st!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:39 pm
by popthestack
Today (Dec. 1st) is the last day for the $55 Pre-Registration price!

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:42 pm
by popthestack
Due to popular demand, ULX Pre-Registration has been extended until Friday December 15th!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:20 pm
by popthestack
Video: November 27-29, 2006 30" of snow in 48 hours.

Don't like snow THAT much? Not to worry, the Salt Lake Valley is a lot less snowy.

Just watch, because I said that about the valley this year will be super snowy. :-D

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:22 pm
by popthestack
Today is last day for extended pre-registration (though I just might let it go until tomorrow because I'm lazy like that)!

I asked a few local folks why they think people should come to ULX. This is what they said:

Jake: because if they do, their wildest dreams will come true
Adam: best dance this side of the mississippi
Jon Jon: the booze and strippers :p
Trixie: it's a swing dancer's ecstacy with nonstop music, dancin, smoozin, chillin, swayin and jumpin
ChoLi: While the weather outside is frightful, ULX will be delightful!
Julie, Emily, Syd (I don't know who said which):
(1) Utah Lindy Exchange, the last frontier!
(2) Utah throws good parties.
(3) A new Honda Accord $30,000, A drink at Circle K $1.09, Weekend Passes to the Utah Lindy Exhange $65.00, the ULX experience... PRICELESS.
Ryan: if you're going to come to Utah to dance, come for the exchange! it's awesome! also! you can go skiing while here.
SpecialK: ULX. Because you need to dance off all that figgy pudding.
Buzz: Polygamy Lindy: How many partners can you handle?
Doug: ULX: Half a dozen dances + Live bands & DJs + Cute girls from all over the state + Cute girls from out of state = 1 smoking-hot weekend of dancing! :)
Ken: "come to ULX2007 or i'm going to burn down your house"?? that might not work, though
Dan: Peeps should make it out to ULX '07 cuz their chances of scoring some action increase by 56% over all!!!!........dang, some of us really count on this time of year!
Deor: It might be chilly outside, but daaaaaaamn, is it hot inside!
Grant: Ski or die. Board or die. Dance or die. -- ULX07

Register today and save $10 on registration!

See you in January!