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tip tap t.o.e. - the toronto exchange

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:18 pm
by swing gal
look! up in the air!

it's a bird...
it's a plane...
it's... an exchange!

t.o.e. returns
september 8, 2006

even though you've been raised as a human being, you're not one of them... you're a dancer!

this year toronto's taking things to super heights with fabulous bands and rockin' djs. add old favourites, even older landmarks, some new jems and even the man of steel would be impressed. (and nothing's been said yet about all of the extra-super-special surprises coming your way)

if you've been scanning the sky for a glimpse of that familiar red cape and the return of the t.o.e., you'll have to wait a bit longer (and you might want to turn your gaze to your computer... toronto lindy hop). the venues, the bands, and the djs are all safely locked away with only one man strong enough to control their explosive contents. never fear, he'll be letting stuff sneak out... but even he can't guarantee what will happen if it all comes out at the same time!

to wet your whistle...

tip tap t.o.e.

(the toronto ontario exchange, episode 4)
september 8-10, 2006

imagine cities, entire continents, coming together to dance. and in case you were wondering, ain't no kryptonite gonna spoil this party.


dj lineup is being released friday, july 14

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:19 pm
by swing gal
ahoy ye mateys... avast ye landlubbers...

if ye be lookin' for swashbucklin' adventure on the high seas, burried treasure and loose (wo)men, sign up
and board the t.o.e. ship. we can't promise all three... but we'll do our best!

tip tap t.o.e.
dancing man's ship
september 8-10

if you've been chasing after ink marks on weathered canvases or following compasses that don't point north looking for precious gems, look no further. they'll all be in toronto this september and we'll be telling you who they are this friday. polly wants a dj... and we're giving polly (and the rest of ye wannabe sailors) a whole bunch of musically gifted djs that will be keeping you landlubbers hopping!

we pirates rarely give away clues to our treasures but check out

tip tap t.o.e. exchange site

this friday and look for some super special individuals.

set your course for toronto and look no further. no need to walk the plank. we got enough excitment on

yoho, yoho, a pirate's life for me!

now go swab the deck!

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:02 pm
by zooey
I cant wait. The music at this event is going to be GREAT.

musical lineup released

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:00 pm
by swing gal
walking along the lane, whistling and kickin' a can, you suddenly notice an object of an unusual shape. it kind of looks like a lamp?!? reaching down to pick it up, you notice some writing on the side. it may say...

tip tap t.o.e.
the 4th toronto ontario exchange
september 8-10...

but it's kind of smudged so you polish it, just be sure and out pops... a genie (i know you've never
heard this one before!) who grants you 8 (it's gotta be a swing-thing!) t.o.e. related wishes, complete with commentary!

8. what's new?!?
a whole bunch of things. so many that it's hard to keep track. so we've added a 'what's new' section. convenient that!

7. weekend schedule.
well, you got a dance, and then a dance and then ... more dancing. if you're looking for a dancingly good dancing weekend, you'll be on dance overload by the time we're done with you. want the specifics? it may require a little bit of patience but you'll find out soon young padawan.

6. stylish apparel.
feeling the need to gq it in the middle of the dance floor? we'll make sure you're properly outfitted. if you need a sneak peak at the new threads for the fall dancing season... you'll have to wait a few more days.

5. friends.
are you looking for new ones or wanting to connect with old? doesn't matter. you'll find both at our socially friendly events.

4. registration.
hold your horses there nelly. you can't have everything all at once! you'll get your registration - friday, july 21!

3. coca-cola?!?
sorry. that's my own personal wish!

2. music.
don't you worry... there will be music! live bands including the gta swing band, a 19-piece big band and the ever-popular musically dancing package of gordon webster (accompanied by the keepin' out of mischief orchestra)!

1. more music.
don't you worry... there will be more music! djs include rayned, tina, greg, bill, david, swifty, dee, iain, julie, mike and myself. that's a whole lot of fantabulous music just waiting to be danced to.

want to collect on these wishes? head on over to
tip tap t.o.e.
and check all the new things we've added.

we can't wait to make your wishes come true.

re: Sunday Brunch

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:48 am
by zooey
This year we are looking to do something a little bit different. On Sunday afternoon we want to have a "Gospel Swing Brunch". This is something I'm really excited about. The venue is fantastic (can you believe it used to be a church)
and there will be great food (all you can eat buffet) and great music (look at the previous post for the DJ list).
I was looking for feedback from the DJ community. Thoughts, opinions, feelings, suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Re: re: Sunday Brunch

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:29 am
by CafeSavoy
zooey wrote:This year we are looking to do something a little bit different. On Sunday afternoon we want to have a "Gospel Swing Brunch". This is something I'm really excited about. The venue is fantastic (can you believe it used to be a church)
and there will be great food (all you can eat buffet) and great music (look at the previous post for the DJ list).
I was looking for feedback from the DJ community. Thoughts, opinions, feelings, suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
That sounds awesome. I am willing to help with the music. One year at Summer Hummer they had a gospel swing brunch with Sam West, a shagger, djing only from 45s. It was awesome. I remembered he played a version of Louis Armstrong doing "sunny side of the street" that i have never heard on cd.

events schedule

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:48 pm
by swing gal
hip hip hurray
time for the t.o.e.
pack your bags,
get ready to go.

we've heard your plea
asking for more,
so toronto's hosting
exchange number four.

it's in the fall,
september this year.
eight thru ten
and don't you fear...

we've packed it all in
the best that we can.
head to the website,
just see what we've planned.
(torontolindyhop exchange)

friday's dance,
will start things off right.
gord and the gang
swing into the nite!

saturday's dance
will blow you away.
will ghosts from the past
swing out at palais?!?

and what about sunday-
our fine gospel brunch!
and don't forget late nites...
and food you can munch.

the events have been posted,
the t-shirt's up too.
look on the website,
and check out what's new.

registration opens friday.
that's coming real fast.
torontolindyhop exchange
you don't want to be last.

this poem really sucks,
but hop on the road
and head to toronto
for a swing overload.

register early

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:24 pm
by zooey
Well, as you already know Online Registration is now open. Even before we launched we already had over 50 registrations. Registration will be capped at 250 this year, so don't miss out.

Just look at the DJ / Band List.

See you all in Toronto!

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:55 pm
by swing gal
please note: this post is made in the spirit of lindy love. the opinions expressed are solely those of the author’s evil alter-ego. the author would never encourage the nasty competition spoken of below as the author promotes love, happiness, equality, cooperation and harmony among all dancers and djs… usually…

it’s t.o.e time… september 8-10, 2006 toronto’s hosting a party and there’s some things that you definitely don’t want to miss (toe-site)

friday nite, mr. gordon webster will be joined by the keepin’ out of mischief orchestra at the official exchange kick-off party. (and in case you were wondering… these guys have no intention of keeping out of mischief!)

friday late nite, get ready for a battle extraordinaire. the dj divas are taking on the men! what does that mean? the men better choose their representatives wisely, cause us divas don’t take our music lightly. as one of the lovely ladies was recently overheard – “we’ll wax their…” (wouldn’t have gotten by the censors!) of course, this little battle of the divas versus the boys is all in fun…

saturday we head to the world’s highest building to swing out on the ground and in the air… 1,122 feet to be exact. bands will be jammin’ and djs will be spinnin’ (provided the boys have recovered from the dj massacre the previous nite)

saturday nite things get grand because we’re heading to the palais royale ballroom. this was the place to dance back in the day… count basie, benny goodman, duke ellington and countless others graced the stage while the dancers rocked the sprung-wood floor. after a 3.8 million dollar renovation, the palais has been returned to its former glory… (and maybe djs of the male persuasion may also one day return to their former status)

saturday late nite… we’re looking at 2 rooms of musical mayhem with our djs… provided the boys have licked their wounds and stopped pouting from their massive defeat by the deliciously devilish divas.

sunday we’ll (temporarily) bury the hatchet and take things to higher levels with our gospel brunch. the food will be hot and scrumptious… the music will be swinging and uplifting (it may just be enough to help the boys overcome their extreme disappointment)

get on the web and get registered today (to see the divas wipe the floor with the boys)

online form

the all-in package ($90 including brunch and t-shirt) won’t be available forever and you don’t want to miss all the music… the fun… the friends… (the mocking of the losers!)

this is going to be toe-tally toe-rific!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:41 pm
by swing gal
how many links can you put in a post?!?

tip tap t.o.e.
sept 8-10, toronto, on

we all know you're coming to dance... but guess what?!? toronto has a whole ton more to offer... especially during exchange weekend!

vegetarian food fair
veg out at north america's largest veg fair... it's got food, it's got cooking demos, it's got entertainment and it's all free!

taste of toronto
toronto's entertainment district is busting out the big guns, foodically speaking. a gaggle of restaurants are offering selections from $1-5.

toronto international film festival
hollywood's brightest will be joining filmmakers worldwide in 'hollywood north' to showcase the best of canadiana and global film.

southside shuffle blues and jazz festival
street blues and jazz in port credit's charming lakeside community, 20 minutes west of toronto's downtown.

from england with love
virgin music is taking over the toronto island for two days of musical mayhem.

cabbagetown fest
a parade, large outdoor art fair, street entertainers and vendors and blocks and blocks of yard sales where antiques are plentiful and cheap! don't miss the traditional cutting of the cabbage.

junction arts festival
two days of music, film and live performances from music to dance to theatre.

national bridal show
break out that tux, choose those flowers and eat some cake... it's marrying time.

and charity events:
the weekend to end breast cancer
a 60-km weekend walk to benefit canada's premiere cancer hospital/research centre. at least one local swinger is walking for a cure.

winners walk of hope
a walk through the woods in support of the national ovarian cancer association.

those are just special events that happen to be occuring during the exchange weekend. there's always something to do in toronto... if you happen to have energy between dances!! so get registered and get yourself to toronto for our fourth exchange. you don't want to miss out on all of the exchange and other fun! we will cap this exchange at 250 dancers and we're closing on that number fast...

please note: pre-registration is closing august 28... and so is guaranteed housing. with all of the events going on, hotels and other space will be extremely limited. if you're planning to find your own
accomodation, please act quickly to avoid hotel sell-outs. if you're hoping for
housing with toronto locals, please register quickly to guarantee your spot.

always a hoppin' time in toronto! come play and dance with us!

ps - check out toespace

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:25 pm
by swing gal
we warned you it was coming... now it's time.

we're pulling the all-in package as a registration option for the t.o.e. you only have 5 more days to register... after august 22, you will no longer be able to get your event pass, brunch ticket and super-cool t-shirt in one shiny little package... in fact, you won't be able to get a t-shirt at all.

important dates -

aug 22 - last day for 'all-in' (events, brunch, t-shirt) registration (event pass and brunch will still be available for individual purchase)

aug 28 - last day cheques will be accepted. last day paypal will be accepted. last day that we are guaranteeing housing. that's it folks! we're closing it down. there will be no more events packages or brunches sold in advance. tickets may still be available at the door, but why take the chance?!? get
on the web and get registered today.

sept 7 - the unofficial pre-exchange party at the reservoir lounge

sept 8 - let's get this party started with gordon webster and the keepin' out of mischief orchestra. we're havin' fun all day and all nite, all weekend long. don't wait to get registered... you don't want to be the one listening to all the stories of how great this weekend was when it's all over.

have you registered yet?!?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:56 am
by swing gal
it's time... the pre-registration 'all-in' package for the t.o.e. (toronto's fourth exchange) is expiring tuesday, august 22 at 11:59pm in one explosive bang! why should you get in on the 'all-in' (events, brunch and t-shirt) package...

8. t.o.e. pre-registrants get special 'invisibility' bracelets... everyone else gets regular, every day plastic ones. which one would you rather have?

7. parfait. everybody love parfait. (unfortunately, parfait is not on the brunch menu... but lots of other yummy things to fill your tummy are).

6. there are two kinds of people in the world... those that are pre-registered for the t.o.e. and those that wished they had :)

5. every welcome package will contain a sack of magic beans we traded our only cow for. whatever you decide to do with your beans (*cough* grow a beanstick overnight, climb it, grab some giant's gold and then chop off his head when he chases you home) is your call.

4. all the clothing in the world will 'spontaneously' combust september 15 at 3:16pm. having discovered this, t.o.e. shirts have been manufactured of special, non-spontaneous combustible-ing material, thus you will be one of the few people in the world still in possession of 'real clothes'.

3. t.o.e. t-shirts are also alien-laser proof... useful during alien invasion attacks.

2. we guarantee there will be no snakes on the dance floor. we do not guarantee snake-free planes, trains or automobiles however, we will provide snake-repellant to all pre-registrants.

1. with ceres, charon and xena the warrior planet wreaking havoc on your horoscope (who knew there were 3 extra planets?), better play it safe and guarantee your t.o.e. spot now...

get registered... and get ready to party with dancers from across canada, the u.s. and as far away as germany and israel!!

the all-in package disappears tomorrow (tues, aug 22) at 11:59pm. don't miss it!
(we will still be accepting 'event pass' and brunch registrations - sold separately - until august 28. t-shirts will no longer be available)

a very important additional note:

you can mail in your registration... we will accept cheques post-marked up until august 28 however... you must submit your registration form online by 11:59 to guarantee you will get the t-shirt you want as part of the 'all-in' package.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:28 am
by swing gal
if you've been fence-sitting, hedge-jumping or otherwise delaying your decision to head to toronto, there's something you should know...

we have less than 25 exchange spots left!!! online registration is closing monday, august 28 at 11:59pm or when we reach 250 people... whichever comes first. (and with the registrations pouring in, we could be full by the end of today!)

this is gonna be one monster party that you don't want to miss. don't wait too long to send in your registration... you could be outta luck! run (don't walk!) over to t.o.e.-world and send your registration off into cyberspace. we guarantee you won't be disappointed. we're adding even more thrills, chills, extra surprises (and musical guests!) to the roster! want a taste of the extras we've added?!? check this out...

the csc team will be the house and they don't travel lightly! what is csc you ask?!? the canadian swing championships held somewhere montreal-ish every may! think competitions, think dances, think par-tay and you'll get the picture! the team is heading t.o.e.-ward and they're lugging one super-huge, shiny prize with them. are you the first person at every dance? the last to leave? the one who just can't stop dancing with everyone?!? then you may be eligible for *drumroll*... one free pass to the canadian swing championships this may! (trust me - you want this prize!)

get yourself to the t.o.e. ... there's more to discover!!!

see you in september.

ps - we chose some pretty large venues for some of our dances so we will still be selling at-the-door tickets to the kick-off party friday night ($20), the palais royale ballroom saturday night ($25) and the revival bar gospel brunch sunday afternoon ($15 including brunch). we will also sell at-the-door to other events, space-permitting but to guarantee you don't miss out on that dance that you really wanted to attend... REGISTER NOW!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:32 pm
by swing gal
tip tap t.o.e. - toronto's fourth exchange
september 8-10 is SOLD OUT!!

that's it folks... we're all sold out and then some. the t.o.e. registration had to be closed early due to the overwhelming number of registrations received over the weekend. we kept it open as long as we could (we even oversold because we hate the thought of turning people away), but in the end, we're all sold out!!

dancers are coming from canada, the u.s., switzerland, ireland, germany, australia, israel...

so, what does our sold out status mean?!?

we will still be accepting at-the-door admissions on an individual event basis. the late nite space is near capacity and we can not guarantee entrance. the prices for individual events are as follows:

friday nite kickoff party - $20
friday late nite - $15 *space-permitting
saturday evening at the palais royale - $25
saturday late nite - $15 *space-permitting
sunday afternoon gospel brunch - $15 (including brunch and champagne)
sunday nite - $15

if you didn't get in on registration, we'd still love to have you come party with us! destination toronto, september 8-10. trust me... it's gonna be a good one!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:54 pm
by swing gal
wow… this is so exciting. i never thought i’d be standing on this stage saying all these thank yous, and here i am! i must apologize for my tardiness in making it up here - it’s a long walk from those cheapie 500 seats and my legs are tired from all that dancing… i hear the damn orchestra already playing the get-me-off-the-stage-quick music, but i’ve waited a long time for this and i’m not going to cut it short so play away, my thank yous will have their own soundtrack.

firstly, i’d like to thank my agent… but i can’t, money-hungry, ego-manic that he is.

i would like to thank the estonian house for hosting friday nite’s dance… you were a wonderfully welcoming presence mr. house. thanks to arthur lulu, mandi gould (our registar and so much more) and their fantastical team for running things smoothly. and i would also be remiss if i didn’t thank gordon webster and the keepin’ out of mischief orchestra… for doing anything but stayin’ out of mischief. that’s why we love you…

i’d like to thank the late nite for being so late and at nite. i’d like to thank everyone who stayed so late and at nite… until it became morning actually. i’d like to thank those that stayed even later at nite to clean up, late, at nite.

i would like to thank the c.n. tower for being so damn tall. saturday afternoon would not have been the same without the kevin clark trio or the world’s largest phallic symbol.

i’d like to thank the palais royale for being so old. i’d like to thank the ghosts of the palais for playing there years ago. i’d like to thank the ambiance for being so ambiancey, the band (gta swing band) for being so bandy and the dancers for being so dancey. i’d also like to thank the titanic… for inspiring so many dramatic patio moments.

i’d like to thank the revival brunch for such gospel-y goodness and yummy yumminess…

i’d like to thank the dueling divas julie epplett and tina davis for beating our male djs (rayned wiles, bill borgida, greg avakian, david ‘shorty dave’ jacoby, ryan ‘swifty’ swift, mike thibault, charmin’ dee jean-francois and iain mcbride) into submission friday nite at the battle of the djs. in case you missed it, the boys conceded defeat and joined the girls in the diva room for the final set of the nite…

i’d like to thank the sound van for driving around the equipment. you were a good van. not only did you get our equipment from point a to b, you also made sure peter komady, steve lazenby, dave trinh and john salalila made it there too! thanks sound van for taking care of our sound guys and the sound equipment provided by steve lazenby of lazenby technical services and by dave trinh of cutting edge dj services)

i’d like to thank charmin’ dee and the csc team for donating an all-inclusive pass to the huge canadian party at csc this may long weekend and jason herron for donating a pass to the abcd (all balboa camp detroit). i’d like to thank kris of windsor and tina of austin for winning these prizes.

i’d like to thank andrea, ann, heather, rachel, reesa, romy, and vincent. without these people, this would not have been the event it was. in fact, it wouldn’t have been an event period!

i’d like to thank dave tom for volunteering to take the lead on this whole shebang and shawn groberg for being voluntold to man the ship as second in command.

and finally… i’d like to thank you all for coming. without you i would have had waaay more room to dance (by myself), waaay more cookies to consume (no way i could have eaten all 2000 delicious morsels, thanks for your baking kathy!) and waaaay less fun. so thanks for the magic and the memories…

and ps – if you’re looking to come back and visit…

joel and allison kick off their canadian tour in toronto sept 22-24...

sylvia sykes and mario robau jr are teaching together oct 20-22...