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Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:29 pm
by Lawrence
Reuben wrote:Let's ask the question in another way.

What is more important to the Lindy Hop scene?

a) Hip Hop Instructors
b) Live Jazz

Including either in a Lindy Hop event is not an "extreme" stand point by any means, but, again, what is more important to Lindy Hop?
I doubt that it is an even trade between two of the least expensive instructors and a good live band.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:35 pm
by Swifty
falty411 wrote:are you only limited to posting quips now?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:37 pm
by Mr Awesomer
Lawrence wrote:
Reuben wrote:Let's ask the question in another way.

What is more important to the Lindy Hop scene?

a) Hip Hop Instructors
b) Live Jazz

Including either in a Lindy Hop event is not an "extreme" stand point by any means, but, again, what is more important to Lindy Hop?
I doubt that it is an even trade between two of the least expensive instructors and a good live band.
That's not an answer to my question.

Furthermore, they are hardly the least expensive instructors in the line up, and I'm sure that the total costs of bringing them down is very comparable to the cost of a good live band of, say around 5 members or so. Either way, that has nothing to do with the question I presented.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:44 pm
by Swifty
falty411 wrote:and are you poping in to disagree with me? would you care to actually share your personal opinion (something of actual substance) or are you only limited to posting quips now?
Seriously, point was merely that by now everyone on this board (and others) know that you are a self-appointed champion for live music at Lindy Hop events. Some event organizers share your priorities, others don't. Continuing to harp on the subject (what feels like) every time a new event is announced makes you sound like a whiney broken record.

Additionally, taking up the charge in regards to an event you're working in a public forum - especially one in which to the best of my knowledge the event organizers don't even read - rather than talking to the organizers directly comes across as just plain tacky.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:46 pm
by Mr Awesomer
Nate Dogg wrote:For all the expenses and risks they are taking, it bothers me that one of the event DJs continues to second guess the organizers in a public forum. You could have emailed any number of your friends and had your questions answered privately. But, you did not go that route.
If you knew the organizers a little better, you'd realize that they are not nearly as squeamish about people publicly expressing opinions about their events publicly as you apparently are.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:57 pm
by Nonya
In answering Rueben's question, which one is more important to LINDY, either Live Jazz music or Hip Hop Instructors... I will have to say that Live Music is more important. After all, this is the LINDYfest, like someone already metioned.

What gets me is that, didn't someone already said that the organizers don't even read the forum, then what the hell is all the debating about? Yes, they can: not hire the Hip Hop people and possibly put together a nice little combo, but is anybody telling them that????

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:05 pm
by Nate Dogg
GuruReuben wrote:
Nate Dogg wrote:For all the expenses and risks they are taking, it bothers me that one of the event DJs continues to second guess the organizers in a public forum. You could have emailed any number of your friends and had your questions answered privately. But, you did not go that route.
If you knew the organizers a little better, you'd realize that they are not nearly as squeamish about people publicly expressing opinions about their events publicly as you apparently are.
There are several people on the Committee, I am sure there is a variety of opinions on the subject. Besides, I was not talking about how they felt about the comments, I was talking about how I felt.

Call me old fashioned, if a DJ/Teacher is on the bill, he or she should publically do their best to support and promote the event, not second guess things on the internet. If they have a problem or question, they can address it through the proper channels.

A few weeks ago during a social situation, I spoke to one of the HSDS Board Members about this subject, before this thread changed course, I was curious. After speaking with him, I understand why there was not any live music announced at that point in time.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:17 pm
by falty411
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:20 pm

Is there any live music to be had at all?
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:46 pmĀ 

I know its not my event or yours, but wouldnt it be better to drop the pop, lock and breakin couple so you could have live music?

I guess im slow and somethings dont make sense to me.
These were both posted before I was asked to DJ the event. And yes being asked to DJ an event does make me part of an event, and I can assure my questions will be raised to the people at the event to the people directly in charge. But that doesnt mean I should all of a sudden HIDE my opinion.

If you read the whole thread you can see a natural progression to the conversation between nathan and I then someone else mentioned that maybe their would be live music. I dont see any problem with discussing an events pros/cons even if you are DJing/Teaching/Judging/Etc.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:56 pm
by tackieannie
Wow you guys are long winded and opinionated!

My turn...

I guess I should clear a few things up... the organization committee does read this thread and I am the one in charge of inviting sed djs... We have had discussion over it and we are fully aware of what is being expressed...

As far as asking about having a live band vs. having hip hop instructors that is a fair and valid question and it is also our choice to make (but you all know that)...

When planning for this event got started (during last lindyfest) the talk of who to bring back goes into effect... we always like to look at how the instructors are received and how they liked being at Lindyfest. Yes Lindyfest has evolved since I started attending back in 99, but I think for the better and even back then having a band wasn't done either. It really wasn't even considered.

Now this year we REALLY wanted a band and we were going to leave the djing between sets to HSDS djs... but when the numbers were ran it just wasn't feeseable and it isn't a matter of giving up one thing to have another. Because even if we didn't have the hip hop instructors, bringing a band in would still be of for discussion, because if we get a band then we want the best band and that is not something that can be found in Houston, so in turn makes it very expensive. So we put our faith in the djs we invite, we know that we can trust them give us the closest to a slammin band that is possible. We put you in charge of skoolin' their ears and educating their feet.

I hope I have helped to clear some things up and I appreciate the efforts to keep our intentions in check and we promise a slammin weekend with or without a band, but you don't know that until you get down here.

So I think we are done here and we should go on talking about who has gotten the lastest and greatest of you know from 1937 and you are sure no else has it and you just can't wait to try it out.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:23 pm
by mousethief
This is why everyone loves Leah.

Houston doesn't have a great jazz scene (that I am aware of) and importing a band not only cripples the bottom line but draws attention away from the local nature of the exchange.

A better argument, Falty, would be to say how much more you would pay for a band. If Houston could get a show of hands that their attendees want live music and are willing to pay for it, then that's a different story. Until then, you're just talking into the wind.

K&R draw people in, they expand the offerings - just like Peter Strom did a few years back when he taught a version of Steppin' with Mama T.


Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:34 pm
by Mr Awesomer
Leah, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for last night. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:07 pm
by falty411
Leah, thank you for that and thank you for making it clear to me that I am not out of line for discussing GSWLF on a thread about GSWLF on a discussion forum.

I know GSWLF will be a total blast and dont dislike K&R in anyway and am looking forward to seeing them perform again. The instructor lineup looks dope and the music I provide will be my best.

It was clearly stated that it is YOUR guys event and you guys do things your way, as you should.

Kalman, you are right, I should of maybe got it from the angle you mentioned.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:11 pm
by falty411
CafeSavoy wrote:but others might
argue that just like in sports cross training has its benefits too.
Of course it has its beneifits.

Cross training also explains why your west coast looks so much like your lindy hop and why your lindy hop looks so much like your west coast. ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:42 pm
by Lawrence
falty411 wrote: Cross training also explains why your west coast looks so much like your lindy hop and why your lindy hop looks so much like your west coast. ;)
Not sure if I should bother :roll: , but is that what you mean by "not [being] out of line discussing GSWLF on a thread about GSWLF on a discussion forum?"

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 11:34 pm
by CafeSavoy
falty411 wrote:
CafeSavoy wrote:but others might
argue that just like in sports cross training has its benefits too.
Of course it has its beneifits.

Cross training also explains why your west coast looks so much like your lindy hop and why your lindy hop looks so much like your west coast. ;)

thanks for reducing every discussion into a personal attack.