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Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:32 pm
by kitkat
Haydn, are you computer savvy enough to save the sound coming through your computer as you play track previews from the album as available on ITunes UK?

I'd love to hear what all those tracks sound like, but I'm in the USA.

(For that matter, I'd love to hear their other albums that aren't sampled on their web site if you can access them, but we could save that for another day.)

Perhaps just record yourself clicking through each one and save it as one long MP3 or WAV file. If you can't get it to MP3, I can take your WAV and compress it. I can also help you w/ instructions if you need them, I suppose.

Thanks a lot, and I'll return the favor if you ever need to hear something only available on ITunes US!

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:03 pm
by Haydn
kitkat wrote:Haydn, are you computer savvy enough to save the sound coming through your computer as you play track previews from the album as available on ITunes UK?

I'd love to hear what all those tracks sound like, but I'm in the USA.

Perhaps just record yourself clicking through each one and save it as one long MP3 or WAV file. If you can't get it to MP3, I can take your WAV and compress it. I can also help you w/ instructions if you need them, I suppose.
Hi kitkat,

You want to hear samples from Blue Harlem's 'Swing Street' album? I don't think I can help you straight away, I'm afraid. Mainly because I don't have a 'broadband' internet connection at home, so I'm not set up to send or receive mp3 type files, as my feeble modem connection won't really support it. However, now and then I do spend hours in internet cafes with fast connections. I use the 'iTunes Music Store' when I'm in internet cafes. (I use a Mac at home, but in internet cafes I use PCs with Windows XP).

So if you want to let me have instructions as how I save MP3 files from the iTunes previews on a PC, I'll be happy to give it a try when I have a long session in an internet cafe.

Blue Harlem are based in London, and next time I see them I'll mention this discussion to them - I'm sure they will be interested to know of this interest from the USA!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:54 am
by Haydn
Blue Harlem played at a dance in London last night. I spoke to the sax player, Al Nicholls, who said they don't have US distribution any more. They used to though (Hepcat?).

He suggested anyone who in USA who wants to buy a CD email them -