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Time/Life "Swingtime"

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:59 pm
by mark0tz
I just got some "junk" mail today from Time/Life that caught my eye. It had Goodman and Krupa on the front with a couple doing an A-Frame in the corner.

It's an advertisement for an extensive compilation of CD's that were made during the 70's in an effort to revisit the Swing Era. I know this may have many people cringing, but the the line-up of musicians is actually decent (see below), and it being recorded during the 70's (hopefully) ensures good recording quality. The pitch says that "Billy May painstakingly re-created the original arrangements, note by note."

The fact is, it might be a nice set, and it might be a waste on overheard pop hits of which the public might enjoy but Lindy Hoppers (and us DJ's) reject. I thought I'd share anyways. ... =swingtime

(t)Joe Howard, Manny Klein, Cappy Lewis, Shorty Sherock, Zeke Zarchy, Jimmy Zito
(tb) Ed Kusby, Trummy Young, Si Zentner
(valve trombone) Lew McCready
(s)Skeets Hertfurt, Abe Most, Marshall Royal, Zoot Sims, Willie Smith
(cl) Benny Goodman, Abe Most
(p) Nat King Cole
(g) Al Hendrickson, Bucky Pizzarelli, George VanEps
(b) Charlie Harris
(d) Gene Krupa
(vibes) Lionel Hampton
(vocals) Tex Beneke, Helen Forrest, Dan Grissom, Jack Leonard, Anita O'Day, Jimmy Rushing, Helen Ward, Trummy Young.
(leaders) Glen Gray, Billy May

To me, it's a thumbs down and I'm tossing the nicely printed piece of mail. The only 2-disc set that looks somewhat appealing to me is the 1938-1939 set. Maybe 1942-1945 set too (not available in the URL above).

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:04 am
by Mike
I have nearly all of the original LP sets, and I have to say there are quite a few gems in the entire collection. ... oryName=11

All the Nat King Cole tracks are great, and there are many fun and obscure songs included throughout the series.

The best thing about the LP sets over the CD's, though, is the accompanying books. Not only do they give extensive liner notes, as well as info about the original recordings they were based on, they also have articles and essays on musicians of the day with some great pictures. Also some goofy dance-related fun stuff is included. I found half of mine at my local record shop, five bucks per set (some there are still in their 1970's shrinkwrap!).

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:28 pm
by Lawrence
I have all the LP sets, too, and I agree with Mike completely.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:08 pm
by NJ Swing 1
I have extra sets of the LP's. If anyone is interested in buying them, e- mail me at

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 7:44 am
by Doug
I have the entire set and have to say that it is a great collection, but they all sound like Billy May pieces. Not that this is bad, but despite the large number of songs, it is difficult to play too many (more than one? even one?) in a single night. What I have used them for primarily is to help identify great pieces that I might have been otherwise unaware of, and then search out the originals.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:02 pm
by JohnDyer
Mike, that link you posted: Do the first two CD collections I and II overlap with the other sets? I have the first 2 collections but may be convinced to get the rest if other people think it is worth it. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:21 pm
by JesseMiner
There are no overlap on the compilations as far as I have seen. I have 9 of the sets as they were going for $5/set at Amoeba recently in the clearance section (also it was "buy 4, get 1 free"). Are there more than that?

I'm personally not overwhelmed by the energy on some of the recordings, but I figured they would be good to have as the recordings have a different flavor that might be useful at times.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 2:46 pm
by JohnDyer
So what you're saying Jesse, is that it might be more beneficial to get the other 100 cds on my wishlist first? :)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:19 pm
by Mike
Actually John, yeah, there are overlaps between the newer CD's and the originally-released double-CD collections (not betw. the multiple volumes of the LP collections). For the same reason I haven't gotten any of the new CD sets, since I would actually end up having triples of some songs (on LP, the collection CDs, and the CD version of the LP). So unless I can sell my current collection and buy all the other CD's at once to cover all I've lost ($$$), I'm not going to 'upgrade' anytime soon. Jesse, I think there are 12 sets altogether, the nine regular sets, plus the 'encore' set, then I believe there are one set each of benny goodman and duke ellington. I could be a little off on that, it's been years since I looked into it.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:46 am
by Soupbone
Anyone know the total number of LPs issued? I have 11 of them, found at a junk store in Tennesee while visit my parents. But, I've actually not yet listened to a single note! I need to fire up the ol' Motorolla and give them a listen.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:33 am
by NJ Swing 1
There are 14 boxes each containing 3 LP's and also another box set of three albums devoted exclusively to Benny Godman.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 12:52 am
by Zot
Mike, that "Everyman's Guide to The Lindy" thing is hilarious. Thanks for posting it.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 10:43 am
by Ron
Zot wrote:Mike, that "Everyman's Guide to The Lindy" thing is hilarious. Thanks for posting it.
What are you talking about? I don't see it on this thread...

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 11:09 am
by Swifty
Mike wrote:Also some goofy dance-related fun stuff is included. I found half of mine at my local record shop, five bucks per set (some there are still in their 1970's shrinkwrap!).

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 11:15 am
by Ron
Oh, OK. I didn't see it, I'm used to hyperlinks being underlined.