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Does It Swing, The Poll

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 4:29 pm
by Kyle
im definently a group A

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:23 pm
by CafeSavoy
what is the strict definition? just want to be clearer on the options.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 8:38 pm
by Swifty
"Basie sets tempos on how he feels. He does a lot of things according to the audience. He'll look out there and see what's happening. See what kind of audience it is. Then he'll set the tempo. Sometimes it varies. But whatever tempo he finds, that'll be it. We'll stomp it off at that tempo. The new breed of players don't want to tolerate the slow tempos. There's a lot of things we play faster now that we did. It's a shame that we do because it loses some of the dynamics, some of the feeling. It doesn't swing as much. You can get so much out of it (at the slower tempo). You get in one groove and you're supposed to stay there. Whatever groove it is, get in it, enjoy it. Don't try to get someplace else with it. The new players are always trying to move ahead. What's the sense in playing if you don't play it and enjoy it where it is? Some play like they're trying to get it over with. Pushing it. It sounds like you don't want to tolerate it (the slower tempo). If you stomp it off in one tempo, play it in that tempo and enjoy it right there."

-Freddie Green

(emphasis added by me)


Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 10:53 pm
by Nate Dogg
Looking back at my wording, I wish I could have said it a little better. I was still a little worn and groggy from Lindy Gras.

But, yeah, the essense of what I was trying to say is still there.

Still in Group B.

** For those are complaining about the poll, it is not my poll, it is based on a quote from one of my posts. Yeah, it does not make as much sense as it should **

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:38 am
by Mr Awesomer
This makes no kinda sense.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:37 pm
by Ron
This is a silly poll, I don't know what the choices mean.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 5:07 pm
by Kyle
sorry, i pulled it from the other thread, and i thought that people read that and would just translate their opinion to this poll. and polls are an easy way for people to speak their opinion with being discovered.

my bad

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 8:27 pm
by CafeSavoy
Kyle wrote:sorry, i pulled it from the other thread, and i thought that people read that and would just translate their opinion to this poll. and polls are an easy way for people to speak their opinion with being discovered.
i got that, i just wasn't sure what narrow definition was from the other poll.
i've been looking up definitions of swing on-line and it seems there's
quite a range in the definitions. even without opening the floodgates
to the barbarians, the narrow definition could include a wide range of stuff.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:58 pm
by D Nice
As usual. Those who like to consider themselves "purists" will often ignore the definitions and examples that blatanly contradict their stance.

I've said it in relation to dancing and I'll say it in relation to the music... if you are going to try and define something in this case music... you need to take the historical examples of what was considered swing by the credible experts who were doing it and discover a definition that fits those examples. From there you apply that same model to determine whether other forms in fact swing or not.

Since we are discussing swing (small 's') and not Swing we are talking about something that potentially (probably) crosses genres of music. You might not like it, but you are going to have to deal with it.

If you want to talk about Swing as a genre that will be very different... but again it will most likely include things many of the "purists" would prefer not to include.

Not all music we think of as Swing swings well (some of it is outright crappy) or at all. Some things a lot of us don't think swings, in fact swings better (by nearly any definition) than what many of us think of as a swinging song or as a Swing song.

If you are truly interested in discovery and truth you have to give up the notion of being right.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 5:08 pm
by Mr Awesomer
As one who's often labeled a "purist," I'll say again what I said in another thread:

"Lot's of shit swings.

And you can read the above many different ways."

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:10 pm
by D Nice
Word is bond.