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Where to buy European CDs online

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:46 am
by Haydn
In the February 2008 'Hey Mr Jesse' #026, Vicky Chan from Los Angeles asked where to buy European CDs online. When Jesse and Manu discussed Vicky's question on the show, it was in the context of modern European swing bands (e.g.The Bratislava Hot Serenaders). So they were talking about modern swing. I'm sure a lot of people will be interested in this, and also in buying 'vintage' European swing.

I have bought quite a bit of vintage music on the British, French and German Amazon sites and from a German online retailer called JPC Although you can often find some music by these people on other countries' sites, the artist's home country site will often have a much wider selection CDs. I have found the German site generally has the widest range of old European swing. I haven't bought much modern swing, but I did seach for the Bratislava Hot Serenaders and couldn't find them on any of the Amazon sites.

On the British Amazon, you can find people like Harry Roy

On the German Amazon, you can find artists like Teddy Stauffer

And on the French Amazon, combos like the Quintette of the Hot Club of France

JPC in Germany sell a wide range of old swing and jazz, and many of their CDs have audio samples.

The French and German Amazon sites are also useful for buying old American swing, and they often have audio samples which are missing from the US site. The French and German sites often use Real Player samples instead of Windows Media Player.

So which websites do other people use, for both vintage and new European Swing?