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"Your preferences" vs. "what the people are u

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:14 am
by Juani

Here in Buenos Aires, it was all about Rock And Roll, Boogie Woogie, and 50's R&B.
About 5 years ago, some of my friends and I started dancing Lindy Hop and playing swing music.

Now I'm running the first Lindy Hop night dance in Buenos Aires, where I'm the Dj.

Most of the people who comes to dance are used to listen R&B a lot and they are a little confused about the music I like to play.

At the same time, I love early jazz, so sometimes I play Jelly Roll Morton, King Oliver or maybe some new bands with a 30's sound, like Mora's Modern Rhythmist or Vince Giordano.

Now I'm trying with some Lucky Millinder, early Louis Jordan and a lot of jive, like Slim & Slam, Cab Calloway, Cats & The Fiddle or Fats Waller. I think that some moods are similar to R&B and is kinda working.

What do you think about it?

Need some help and opinions. Thanx


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:41 am
by swing-o-logy

yes, we know the problem, as in Germany a lot of people, who are swing-dancing, came from Rock'n'Roll, in the best case ( or that Rock-a-Billy-vain!)

As our likes go back to 30's Harlem, we have a similar situation!

Our own collection ranges up to mid 50's RnB and here is the stuff that works (only names, but try Amazon or Barns and Noble for listening):

Roy Milton, Joe Liggins, Lucky Millinder, Buddy Johnson, late 40's Basie, Louis Jordan (Mercury), Scatman Crothers (so cooool), Bullmose Jackson, Roy Montrell (originator of that Mellow Saxophone), Crew Cuts (sic!), Chuck Miller, Rusty Bryant (Hunky Doo), Big Jay McNeely, Joe Houston, Tiny Bradshaw, early Johnny Otis, the HONEYDRIPPER by King Curtis . . .

I hope, that will help a bit!


by swing-o-logy

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:10 pm
by Bob the Builder
I've been through this one.

IMHO I think a lot of it can come down to the event organiser and what they want to get out of the event. If you are the event organiser and maybe also one of the main DJ's then you need to decide.

Do I want this event to be a Lindy hop event, and thus play what ever you consider is music to lindy hop too?
Say I want to try to keep everyone happy and play music to the Rock'n Rollers just as much as the lindy hoppers.

You need to look at the possible numbers of patrons you will get for both and what you would like or need in order to keep the venue running.

Brian :D