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Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:50 pm
by caab
I'm working on a project and I need some Charleston music, decent quality, preferably vintage and with varied tempos. Since I'm not fully into the project I was wondering if you might have recommendations for a good compilation or a few artists I could check out without having to purchase a definitive '20's Charleston collection.


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:19 pm
by Bob the Builder
Depending on what your idea of "decent (sound) quality" is, I have found it not to easy to find 1920's recordings that are of a "high sound quality" (depending on what you need them for)(of course there is some fantastic 1920's recordings).
I would recommend some late 30's and 40's Dixieland recordings. Sidney Bechet would be a good place to start looking. You will find an entire thread on him on this forum.
There is also another thread on Dixieland / Chicago Jazz where you will find other relevant artists.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:36 am
by Matthew
Here are two CDs I'd recommend checking out. Both are on the Frog label. Make sure to listen before you buy, because the sound quality may not meet your needs.

Happy Rhythm: New York Columbia Recordings, Vol. 1

Don't You Leave Me Here New York, Vol. 3

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:41 am
by CafeSavoy
I'm not sure if this is the type of thing you're looking for Image

Can't really say much about the music or the sound quality, but it does have a range of songs from that era. Although not the version of Charleston by James P. Johnson. I guess for a different slice of the era you could try somethnig like Early Black Swing: The Birth of Big Band Jazz: 1927-1934

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:28 am
by Bob the Builder
CafeSavoy wrote:I'm not sure if this is the type of thing you're looking for Image

Can't really say much about the music or the sound quality, but it does have a range of songs from that era. Although not the version of Charleston by James P. Johnson.
I have this CD and I really like some of it, but is really depends on what caab is looking for. Much of its tracks would not be high on my DJing or performance music list. Sound quality is so, so.

Caab, it might we worth telling us exeactly what you are thinking of using it for, for us to assist you as best as we can.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:45 am
by caab
The project: The ECU Summer Theater is doing a production of the musical Chicago. I'm involved with the ECU Swing Dance Club and we thought it would be a great promo for the club if we could do partnered Charleston in the lobby on opening or closing night...they get some atmosphere and we get publicity. I hope that helps, thanks for your input thus far. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:16 am
by Toon Town Dave
Check out some stuff by Eddie Condon. I have the JSP box set and there's tons of stuff that would work. There's definitely a little Chicago flavor.

Also, the Boilermaker's CD Panama is pretty good as well as a band from Vancouver called The 51st Eight if you're looking for something a little more modern sounding.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:44 pm
by AlekseyKosygin
I have plenty 20's jazz recordings that are suitable for DJing live dances...

You just need to know the labels that have a good reputation for audio restoration. Jazz Oracle, Timeless and Retrieval are three off the top of my head that have put out lots of 20's hot jazz which is great for doing Charleston. For example I played a lot of Fess Williams at dances (one of the first house bands of the Savoy in Harlem in the late 20's) off of the Jazz Oracle double CD and everyone can hear and FEEL the's amazing what a great audio restorationist and a clean source copy can accomplish (thank you John R.T, Davies!)...


P.S. ASV is not known for good sound quality...just an FYI...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:09 pm
by Bob the Builder
Fess is very cool, and also sound quality is not too bad.

If you are trying to appeal to the general public, look into Spike Jones.
Much of his recordings are in the 40's with good sound quality. It's nearly like over the top Charleston / slap stick funny music.


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:07 am
by SpuzBal
I second the recommendation of the Fess Williams double CD. They were playing it at this record store by my house, and I could hardly believe that the recordings were from the 20s. They sounded wonderful.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:55 pm
by julius
Get Wynton Marsalis' "Mr. Jelly Lord" album. He covers classic hot jazz, plays in the traditional style, and of course the production and sound quality is pristine. Not only that, but the last track is him and a piano player recorded through an Edison wax cylinder which makes it sound really vintage.