Page 1 of 1 Amazing CD club

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 12:06 pm
by Yakov
HOLY CRAP FOLKS. This is amazing. Major label releases for Proper Records prices. Of course they don't have EVERYTHIING but this is clearly an amazing opportunity.

Found this on the Organissimo Jazz Forum. (from Bertelsman/BMG)
1) Sign up with to get the better deal. (You can browse before signing up - look at those box sets!!!)
2) Order any CD from that site for $5, no shipping charge!

You have to set up a "CD Queue," a list of discs you want. Once a month you automatically buy the top disc on the list for $5. You can also buy anything on the site at any time for $5.

Discussion threads for this site: ... ge=1&pp=40 ... opic=15898

Two hitches:
1) backorders
It seems that there's weird stuff about backorders. Read the threads for info. But you can probably figure out a solution.

2) bad descriptions
You are much better off searching the site for titles you want, then go and order them from the site. Clearly, the has some errors in their pictures and descriptions. The stuff all comes from the BMG warehouse, so that's where you'll get the best description.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:51 pm
by Shorty Dave
This is a pretty cool deal, but don't forget there's also shipping and handling, which brings it to about $7.50 per cd. Anyone considering this, let me throw out another suggestion that might be even better:

Join BMG's music club, which is 12 for the price of 1. (Since it's both BMG, I assume the available cds are exactly the same) And then every year or so, they have a special where everything in their catalog is only $1.99 or $2.99 (plus S&H). Financially, this is a much better bang for your buck then $7.50 for every cd

Check out ... hlight=bmg for a thread I had started awhile ago about it, including a list of some cds in their catalog.

Of course, if anyone wants to join BMG, please let me know and I'll sign you up so I can get free cds, too :)

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:27 pm
by Yakov
no extra shipping costs! info page says:
"All CDs on are only $4.99 each and shipping is always free!"

you said:
Anyways, when all is said and done, I got 32 cds at an average price of $5.38 per cd.

update: i added 2-CD set to my cart and went to buy it, and they did add a processing fee of 68 cents. so maybe the price is exactly the same for the club and the yourmusic -- however, at your music you don't have to jump through hoops and deal with crap. just pick your CDs when you want them.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:31 pm
by Shorty Dave
Yakov wrote:no extra shipping costs! info page says:
"All CDs on are only $4.99 each and shipping is always free!"
I stand corrected. That's pretty cool!
so maybe the price is exactly the same for the club and the yourmusic -- however, at your music you don't have to jump through hoops and deal with crap. just pick your CDs when you want them.
Not sure what you mean about jumping through hoops and dealing with crap? Do you mean having to wait a few months for them to offer the special deal? Cuz other than that, I love BMG and don't find any "hoops" or "crap" involved. You *don't* need to send a card back every three weeks saying "please don't send me the featured selection" (and if you don't send it back, then they send you a stupid cd and bill you for it). Nope, none of that anymore.

And in addition to getting the cds at - as I apparently figured out before - $5.38/cd, one also gets the up front 12 for the price of 1.

Anyways, I'm sure both work cool. I've been a member of BMG a ton of times and never had any problems with that, and I'm sure this new club of there's is just as good...

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:57 pm
by Yakov
yeh but you have to pick out all those CDs at once, and second-guess the shipping costs (what are they?), and the selection of initial CDs is even more limited.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:46 pm
by lipi
i spent a good while comparing bmg and prices and catalogues today. findings below.

catalogues: i could not find a single disc i wanted on either which the other did not carry. (edit: o.k., yourmusic doesn't have the beatles catalogue, for instance. bmg has some full-price discs that it doesn't let you have at lower prices. none of those are available at

prices: you should not order from bmg without the (fairly frequent) "buy one, get unlimited $1.99 cd's" offer they send to members -- all the other offers are worse, unless you happen to just buy three discs and get two free for your first purchase, or something. i'm assuming bulk buying here. like any of us ever order, like, one cd at a time. please. no one in the hood play like that.

bmg's shipping and handling is $2.79 per disc, plus $1.99 per additional disc in sets. so a 2 disc set will be 2x$1.99 + ($2.79 + $1.99) = $8.76, for example. add to that the one full price cd you're buying, divided by the total number of cd's you're getting.

if you start a new membership you get 12 for the price of 1, and end up a little ahead ($1.58 instead of $1.99 base per disc), but you can't order a bunch of things (like sets of more than 2 discs). i'm too lazy to start and stop my membership every time, so i don't bother.'s price is now $5.99 per disc.

both bmg and charge tax for shipments to cali. i'll leave it out of the equation, because i'm lazy. it makes bmg relatively a little cheaper, because there's no tax on the shipping & handling.

this is probably the only part of this post you care about:

1 cd from bmg: $4.78, yourmusic: $5.99
2 cd set from bmg: $8.76, yourmusic: $11.98
(and add to bmg's prices the cost of the one full priced cd you have to get in your order.)

sets of 3 or more discs are cheaper on yourmusic because bmg does not extend the 1.99 per cd rate to them (so you pay, say $23 for the set) but does charge the $1.99 shipping premium. in particular, you can get ella's complete songbooks (16 cd's) for $96 at yourmusic (it's, like, $200 at bmg). fun, fun, fun.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:58 pm
by Yakov
yeah, i just get stressed out at the initial task at BMG, to select all those starting discs and make that first outlay of $$

i think the secret link in my first message on this thread still gets the $5 deal.

i actually thought your reference to $25 from BMG was actually a reference to YourMusic -- not the BMG club proper, which I thought had a different scheme going -- hence, I linked here, not as a rebuttal but as trying to clarify your original point.

whateva... :shock: :? :)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:10 am
by Yakov
Anyone who DID manage to lock in at that $4.99 price -- I got an email today from them saying that we would lose our priviledge on MAY 13, at which point we'd pay $5.99 like all the other shmoes.
