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Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:55 pm
by Zot
I've ordered it immediately -- I trust the judgement of the people involved in the project to add it to my catalogue.

I guess I have a different perspective to some people here. First off, I'll reserve my own judgement of the album until I've heard it myself and not base it on reading the BPM info (which is sometimes misleading in my experience). Judging something only based on tempo seems at best like purism... and at worst like snobbery. :wink:

I'd encourage anyone in the Lindy Hop community to get involved in producing more albums like this for dancers -- and the greater the variety the better.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:01 pm
by LindyChef
I think the most important question hasn't been asked ... does it flow? I mean, what I really want to know is, can I pop in this CD and then head to the bar for a couple of beers? ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:43 pm
by GemZombie
I think I'd like to listen to bits and pieces of all the songs, and then perhaps if I like the tunes and truly can't find them anywhere else, I'd pick up a copy of it.

I think it's a decent idea, and i'm glad a lot of energy went into it, but based on the bpm counts I'm a bit dissapointed that an album obstensively for Lindy Hoppers contains music that on average is so slow, and the fastest tune is what many of us consider medium tempo.

But, as has been said, to each their own.

So, is there a way to hear clips of all these songs?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:47 am
by ScottieK
Jesse and Co. are working on getting 30 second clips of the songs together to so people can hear.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:03 am
by falty411
I wish my daddy had worked for a record label so i could put out my own compilation.

*pouts out of jealousy*

I personally wont buy the album, but i think its cool that people got together and did something like this. i wish there were more opportunities like this for people in the lindy hop community to add something back to the community.

maybe we can make arm chair compilations

(new thread!!!)

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:05 am
by mousethief
First, let me congratulate you guys on getting this done. I'll pick up a copy shortly.
Swifty wrote:Looks good and I'll probably wind up getting it sooner or later, but I wish there were more than two tunes over 150.
I agree. Was the intent to distinguish it from Frankie's collection by using newer artists? Not a judgment, just a question.
Platypus wrote:Very cool thing to see Dapper Dan's uncle Ruby Braff included! Thanks for your hard work.
Dan's related to Ruby Braff? Hell, would you look at that?


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:41 am
by JesseMiner
mousethief wrote:Was the intent to distinguish it from Frankie's collection by using newer artists?
Nate already answered this above:
Nate Dogg wrote:I think some people are missing out on the purpose of the compilation. It is not to celebrate Lindy Hop in general. It is celebrating songs from the Chiaroscuro catalog.

The label started making records in the 1970s.
The owner of Chiaroscuro was thrilled to see the dancers' energy at Dave Glasser's CD release party, put on by Jelly Roll. Thus began the discussion about putting together a compilation of material from the Chiaroscuro catalog specifically for us Lindy Hoppers.

This compilation represents the first attempt at handpicking swinging gems from the Chiaroscuro catalog that all of us involved love and want to share with the dance community at large.

Kudos to David Jacoby for making these amazing connections in the jazz community!


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:35 pm
by Greg Avakian
falty411 wrote:I wish my daddy had worked for a record label so i could put out my own compilation.
Maybe you need your daddy's help, maybe you don't. As far as I know, David's dad hasn't ever worked for a record label.
falty411 wrote: i wish there were more opportunities like this for people in the lindy hop community to add something back to the community.
I think oppurtunities are made by people with initiative. One of the things I love about David Jacoby is that he doesn't bitch and moan about stuff, he just has an incredible positive attitude and he gets things done.

Kudos Dave! The CD is awesome and I highly recomend it to everyone.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:20 am
by mousethief
JesseMiner wrote: Nate already answered this above:
Nate Dogg wrote:I think some people are missing out on the purpose of the compilation. It is not to celebrate Lindy Hop in general. It is celebrating songs from the Chiaroscuro catalog.

The label started making records in the 1970s.
Ah, I see.


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:02 am
by Shorty Dave
falty411 wrote:I wish my daddy had worked for a record label so i could put out my own compilation.

*pouts out of jealousy*
Thanks to those who gave words of encouragement and those who already bought a copy. These days, I know I personally will shell out $12 in a heartbeat to buy a cd with one song that I think I'd regularly DJ. I'm confident that there's something on the cd for everyone, and I'm confident *most* DJs will like all the songs.

I was surely expecting criticism from people who judge purely on BPMs and people who make assumptions about "style" before even having listened to any of the songs. (And I'm actually quite glad people view this cd to be "our" style - as it has Bob Wilber, Kenny Davern, Ruby Braff, Bobby Hackett, and tons of other musicians that probably wouldn't be considering "our style" two years ago).

However, Falty, I'm a little confused by your comment, and I have a question for you just to clear something up on the slight chance that some people view your above comment as a comment about Greg's dad, George Avakian. (I didn't think so a first, but a few people have told me they did, so I just want to clear things up, that's all)

So my question is, do you wish your daddy worked for a record label so you could put out your own compilation because you're too lazy or incompetent to create a compilation without any family connections? Or do you wish your daddy worked for a record label so you could put out your own compilation because you think my daddy - or any of the daddies of Jesse, Rayned, Greg, Wexie, Manu, or anyone at Yehoodi or Jelly Roll - works for a record label that helped put out this cd? If the former, well, then, I wish that too! If that latter, well, my dad works for an accounting software company, and none of the other dad's work for Chiaroscuro or were involved in the project in any way.

(If on the off chance, Falty, your comment wasn't a thinly veiled dig at Greg or Greg's dad, and really was admission that you can't produce a cd yourself without help from your daddy, then my apologies for taking it the wrong way...guess I'm a little sensitive)

Anyways, thanks again for everyone's comments :)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:15 am
by mousethief
Dave & Co.

Here's a better question:

What DIDN'T make it onto the list that ya'll uncovered that stands out in your mind(s)? What got edited out that you would spin?


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:21 am
by Jerry_Jelinek
What a treat to hear about this.

Hank O'Neal is a most generous fellow. A side note that 2 years ago in preparing for a show I did on Earl Hines, I got in touch with Hank and he was most generous in supplying me some CDs from the company.

They label has a very extensive collection of jazz recordings. The Christmas CD they have is great for jazz listening. It has some swing dance things on it also.

Great job Jesse and everyone associated with this. You have my unending support.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:29 am
by CafeSavoy
mousethief wrote:Dave & Co.

Here's a better question:

What DIDN'T make it onto the list that ya'll uncovered that stands out in your mind(s)? What got edited out that you would spin?

there were multiple songs by clark terry and jay mcshann that we already spin, but the intention was not include too many instances of one artist. There were others songs that you could spin if they were edited. fortunately the label was amenable to the idea of editing songs. Thanks to Manu who did a yeoman job editing some of the songs that made the compilation.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:22 pm
by Mr Awesomer
Yes Dave you're being far to sensative. As you said, you were expecting critisim from people, people who clearly have different tastes in music then you, so why should it bug you they don't like it? And sure they are making assumptions based on the known style of those involved (the tempos just help reinforce said assumptions.) But are you trying to say that the people who worked on this project suddenly and magically put together an album of music that someone like me would like? That's as likely as me putting together a compilation you would like. By this point in time I think our musical tastes and knowledge has developed enough that we can both not listen to a Kenny G CD and know that we won't like it.

BTW, before someone jumps on me as being "close-minded" please know that while who was involved did go into my personal judgement of the album, it was not the sole means of my judgement. I also judged it based on the artists, what I already knew about the specific songs, what I know I've heard in the past and what sound clips I could find online. Unlike some people I do some research before opening my mouth.

What it comes down to is that this album is for some people and not for others... ie it's not for everyone. Big deal. Nothing is this world is for everyone. Hell, I've heard some people don't like sex.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:36 pm
by mousethief
Aw jeez...

Falty was out of line bringing in Greg's dad, who, turns out, had zilch to do with the release. Dave has a right to be defensive about a comment that was not directed at the music, but instead, at a person who was not directly involved.
