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Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 12:34 pm
by Lawrence
Greg Avakian wrote:Here are questions about 2 other songs:
* * *
Any ideas?

Here's another one: someone told me that Duke ellington's "Wailing interval" is a riff version of another tune ...any idea what that might be?

As for "Wailing Interval," that rumor does ring a bell (heard it before; might have even once known the answer). I have been meaning to verify my suspicions for about a week, but keep forgetting, so I'll just say it and be wrong if I'm wrong. (And I was wrong... see below... :oops: )

I think it is a riff off the Diminuendo/Crescendo solo by Paul Gonsaleves that ultimately turned into the "Duke Ellington Live at Newport" solo. Not sure if it is in the Newport version, but I have a few similar Dimin/Cresen Gonsaleves solos from dates leading up to the Newport recording, so I'll check them if I remember.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 11:03 am
by Big Mama Rockstar
OK I have one I heard it somewhere but didn't catch a name or group. ( actually I think it was on the store's music staion they had it on jazz sataliette)

there was a part that sounded like Cruella De Vil

it had that whol " Cruelle De Vil, Cruelle De Vil... " rif in it

no vocals.
really great song but partof it didn't sound at all from the original song. it was very much JAZZ ? i'm stumped. I like that song. I was dancing in the Aisle with Steph

any clues?


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 1:22 pm
by Platypus
Dr. John's version from the live action "101 Dalmations," except that it has vocals......

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:50 pm
by Big Mama Rockstar
no good try though I have dr. john's version fun and cute... this one was rad piano not boogie woogie in style at all. i want to say it was a trio of piano bass and drums but I can't remember if there was more to it or not. i heard ot over a store's intercom. I've heard it before though.. it'ss a good song.. no vocals. it could not be Cruella De Vil at all just have a sililar rif..that's a hard one to sample with out it sounding like that sound though...


Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 11:23 am
by Lawrence

I was mistaken on the "Wailing Interval" source. The main melody-line comes from a riff off a 1962 recording of One OClock Jump that I have in a Mosaic set of Reprise recordings from 1962-68. I heard it the other night by coincidence when I was just listening to the set. It was originally released on "Will the Big Bands Ever Come Back?", a companion release to "Recollections of the Big Band Era." (Same recording dates). indicates that it is also a bonus song on a new 25-song re-release of "Recollections...." It is a riff toward the end of the song.

I was thinking of the sax solo after the melody to Wailing Interval played out after the first chorus, which is similar to the "Diminuendo" solo because both are probably Gonsaleves. Mistook that for a part of the melody.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 12:10 pm
by Travis
There's a song in a Bobby McGee's footage clip that I'm trying to track down. I wish I could throw the clip on here but since I can't you'll have to download the clip from

go to

then click on "Newsreel & Home Movies" and download the first clip titled "Bobby McGee's Jam Footage". the song I am referring to starts about 1:40 into the clip.

At first I thought the song was Benny's Bugle because of the familiar riff that is from that song but then it ends like Airmail Special.

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:59 am
by Travis
Couple of songs I'm trying to find - both played at ULHS. The first is a very up-tempo song that was played a few times during the comp's (can't remember which ones of the top of my head). It was also played during the lindy battle. It has a brief piano intro that reminds me of the intro to Bill Elliot's "Struttin' With Kate".

I'm also looking for the last song played during the Charleston Challenge.

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 12:30 pm
by SpuzBal
Hmm. Could it be Earl Hines' "G. T. Stomp?" That song is very reminiscent of "Struttin' with Kate" (or, rather, vice versa, heh).

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 12:34 pm
by Travis
G.T. Stomp - that's it. Thanks Ryan!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:16 pm
by SpuzBal
No problem. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:42 am
by Travis
Here's a shot in the dark:

There's a song that was played at ULHS '03 during one of the comps (I don't know which one - the divisions there confuse the hell out of me) but it's a slower song, modern, sounds like a trio with piano, bass, drums. The song that was played right after the one I'm looking for was "Exactly Like You" off the Satch and Josh disc. If it helps, two of the couples in the competition were Nick and Kellie, and Skye and Nina.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:50 pm
by kitkat
And I need help w/ an album.
B.G. & Big Tea in NYC
Got a copy from a friend, but didn't get time to copy the liner notes. If I remember, somewhere about halfway through, they switched from songs w/ Benny in the ensemble to songs with Jack in the ensemble, but I don't remember where.

Has anyone got a copy so I can know who's in which tracks?
CDDB tells me the bandleaders are Red Nichols 1-8, Irving Mills 9-12, Eddie Lang 13-16, Adrian Rollini 17-21.

Nevermind. I got to a library with a copy, and they both play in all the selections.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:43 pm
by Travis
Here's one that's been killing me lately. For those of you who like watching vintage clips for dancing - there's one of Leon James and Ali dancing (wearing plaid suits) to Cootie Williams and his orchestra. What the hell is the name of that song? It sounds like a fairly common song but I'll be damned if I can remember the name of it.


Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:00 am
by Doug
Travis wrote:Here's one that's been killing me lately. For those of you who like watching vintage clips for dancing - there's one of Leon James and Ali dancing (wearing plaid suits) to Cootie Williams and his orchestra. What the hell is the name of that song? It sounds like a fairly common song but I'll be damned if I can remember the name of it.

Could you be more cryptic? But are you talking about Cootie Williams version of this song? ... xerpt2.mp3

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 2:53 pm
by falty411
Travis wrote:Here's one that's been killing me lately. For those of you who like watching vintage clips for dancing - there's one of Leon James and Ali dancing (wearing plaid suits) to Cootie Williams and his orchestra. What the hell is the name of that song? It sounds like a fairly common song but I'll be damned if I can remember the name of it.

Ali's full name was Russell Williams. Don't forget about the girls! Connie Hill and Dottie Mae Johnson. The name of the song is "keep on Jumpin" which I have as an mp3. I haven't been able to find the song on an album. But I know that Minn has it on an album, thats where i got the mp3 from.