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Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:34 pm
by Yakov
wow, three posts in a row...

discovery: RealPlayer with error correction (encoding to WAV, natch) seems to do better than EAC on my drive. The program doesn't look like a "power user tool" but it delivers the goods... no jumps jitters or fuzz at all...


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:09 am
by kbuxton
I've got a CD that even EAC couldn't help with. It plays fine in my stereo, but when I try to play it on the computer it gets 1:20 into the first track and then I get no sound (either playing it as a CD in the computer or having EAC rip to .WAV and then trying to play those). Does anyone else have Jay McShann & Major Holley - "Havin' Fun"? Is it just my copy or is that CD just messed up?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 3:45 pm
by Yakov
the first batch of CDs that came out had cleaning directions -- use a damp lintless cloth (dunno what it means for a cloth to have no lint... i usually just use my t-shirt) and wipe in straight lines from inside to outside, dry it in the same way.

if you still can't rip, try a different program like RealPlayer or iTunes. EAC is not God

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:21 pm
by kbuxton
Yakov wrote:the first batch of CDs that came out had cleaning directions -- use a damp lintless cloth (dunno what it means for a cloth to have no lint... i usually just use my t-shirt) and wipe in straight lines from inside to outside, dry it in the same way.

if you still can't rip, try a different program like RealPlayer or iTunes. EAC is not God
That actually isn't the problem. It SEEMS to rip just fine, but then I can't play the files.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:33 am
by julius
Nearly two years later, I am within 10 CDs of finishing ripping ALL my jazz and blues. Yeah, I'm a slacker.

about 22,500 minutes' worth. not that much compared to you guys, of course, but wow it sure has been fun going into musicmatch and comparing different versions of the same song easily, or discovering cuts you never knew about, and so on.

Now I need a laptop and an external drive, heh heh heh.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:36 pm
by Lawrence
julius wrote:wow it sure has been fun going into musicmatch and comparing different versions of the same song easily, or discovering cuts you never knew about, and so on.
Yes, I need to do so, myself, for exactly that reason. Just bought a 300 gig internal hard drive. But I rue the whole process and how long it will take to get there.